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Study of base friction simulation tests based on a complicated engineered bridge slope

Liu HE, Guang WU, Hua WANG

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 393-397 doi: 10.1007/s11709-012-0174-6

Abstract: In this paper, a physical base friction test model of a slope is established.The model is based on similarity principles and the geological conditions of a complicated bridge slopeThe behavior of the slope in both its natural state and during excavation loading is qualitatively analyzedwill arise at faulted rock masses located near bridge piers during excavation loading.Therefore, to ensure normal construction operation of bridge works, it is suggested that pre-reinforcement

Keywords: base friction test     slope stability evaluation     bridge slope    

Evaluation of potential failure of rock slope at the left abutment of Jinsha River Bridge by model test

Zhiming ZHAO, Xihua WANG

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3,   Pages 332-340 doi: 10.1007/s11709-013-0206-x

Abstract: Jinsha River Bridge is located on Tiger Leaping Gorge town, China.The left bank slope composes of moderately thick layer of slate overlain by schistose basalt, and whereTo evaluate the stability of the rock slope under bridge foundation, model test and calculation modelbased on the geological parameters and the slope stability was simulated and analyzed using UniversalSo, the bridge foundation should be strengthened to prevent the slope failure under external forces.

Keywords: slope stability     strength properties     model test     numerical analysis    

Monitoring Technology to Stability of Layered Rocky High Side Slope

Chen Zhijian

Strategic Study of CAE 2001, Volume 3, Issue 5,   Pages 86-91


Based on the example of monitoring to the stability of the layered rocky high slope, base and foundationof the south tower of Jiangyin Bridge, the discipline of monitoring mesh design to its stability, themonitoring spots, the embedding technology of hole with clinometer in fragmentary rock mass in high slopeand the establishment of the monitoring and predictive model to the stability of high slope are elucidatedThe discriminating discipline for the high slope stability based on the monitoring deformation result

Keywords: Jiangyin Bridge     tower     side slope stability     monitoring     hole with clinometer     monitoring and predictive    

Efficiency of scalar and vector intensity measures for seismic slope displacements


Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1,   Pages 44-52 doi: 10.1007/s11709-012-0138-x

Abstract: Although no single intensity measure is efficient enough for all slope conditions, the spectral accelerationat 1.5 times of the initial slope period and Arias intensity of the input motion are found to be thecharacteristics of the ground motion and thus significantly improve the efficiency over a wide range of slopethe spectral accelerations at multiple spectral periods achieve high efficiency for a wide range of slopeprediction models as well as the ground motion selection criteria for time domain analysis of seismic slope

Keywords: seismic slope displacements     intensity measures     empirical prediction    

Bioengineering protection mechanism of city rock slope and its laboratory test

Desong JIANG, Minghua ZHAO, Chong JIANG,

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 414-421 doi: 10.1007/s11709-009-0055-9

Abstract: Based on the features of rock slope bioengineering protection, the ecology protection mechanism of theurban rock slope was discussed with the mechanics effect of plants and rock slope, and the reinforcementaction mechanism of rock slope by plant root system was analyzed as well.Moreover, the side slope rainfall interception, the runoff lagging, the soil antiseepage, and the soilThe antiwashing capability per unit area has a critical slope angle of about 25°.

Keywords: indoor     engineering project     protection mechanism     different     runoff lagging    

Evaluation and prediction of slope stability using machine learning approaches

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4,   Pages 821-833 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0742-8

Abstract: In this paper, the machine learning (ML) model is built for slope stability evaluation and meets thehigh precision and rapidity requirements in slope engineering.of this study includes six characteristics, namely unit weight, cohesion, internal friction angle, slopeangle, slope height, and pore water pressure ratio.Also, the SVM-poly method is used to analyze the susceptibility of slope parameters.

Keywords: slope stability     factor of safety     regression     machine learning     repeated cross-validation    

Optimal CNN-based semantic segmentation model of cutting slope images

Mansheng LIN; Shuai TENG; Gongfa CHEN; Jianbing LV; Zhongyu HAO

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 4,   Pages 414-433 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0797-6

Abstract: convolutional network (FCN), and U-Net to qualitively analyze and identify the key components of cutting slopeimages in complex scenes and achieve rapid image-based slope detection.The elements of cutting slope images are divided into 7 categories.In order to determine the best algorithm for pixel level classification of cutting slope images, the

Keywords: slope damage     image recognition     semantic segmentation     feature map     visualizations    

On the seismic stability analysis of reinforced rock slope and optimization of prestressed cables

Wenbo ZHENG, Xiaoying ZHUANG, Yongchang CAI

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 132-146 doi: 10.1007/s11709-012-0152-z

Abstract: The method is applied to analyze a high rock slope in south-west China and the optimization of cablesThe stabilization effects of prestressed cables on the seismic stability of the slope are studied, the

Keywords: high rock slope     reinforced system     optimization     prestressed cable     seismicity    

Research on New Technology for Sandy Slope Safety Protection

Niu Xiaodi,Yang Guangqing and Liu Weichao

Strategic Study of CAE 2017, Volume 19, Issue 6,   Pages 86-91 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2017.06.013

Abstract: TD-1 can be used with soil spraying technology for slope greening protection, and the solidified product

Keywords: sandy slope     sand consolidation agent     laboratory tests     field tests    

Surficial stability analysis of soil slope under seepage based on a novel failure mode

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 3,   Pages 712-726 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0729-5

Abstract: Normally, the edge effects of surficial landslides are not considered in the infinite slope method forIn this study, the limit stress state and discrimination equation of an infinite slope under saturatedanalysis, a semi-analytical framework considering the edge effect for the surficial stability of a soil slopeThe results show that the infinite slope tends to be conservative because the edge effect is neglected, particularly when the ratio of surficial slope length to depth is relatively small.

Keywords: soil slope     seepage     surficial failure mode     stress state     edge effects    

Geotechnical forensic investigation of a slope failure on silty clay soil—A case study

Mohammad Abubakar NAVEED, Zulfiqar ALI, Abdul QADIR, Umar Naveed LATIF, Saad HAMID, Umar SARWAR

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 2,   Pages 501-517 doi: 10.1007/s11709-020-0610-y

Abstract: The collapse of the wall was attributed to the failure of the retained slope.This research was undertaken to characterize the slope material, study causal factors of failure andAlso, X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to study the slope material at a molecular

Keywords: forensic geotechnical investigation     slope failure     slope analysis     finite element method     numerical analysis    

Stability analysis of a high loess slope reinforced by the combination system of soil nails and stabilization

Jiu-jiang WU,Qian-gong CHENG,Xin LIANG,Jian-Lei CAO

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3,   Pages 252-259 doi: 10.1007/s11709-014-0260-z

Abstract: By utilizing the finite element software of PLAXIS 8.5, the behavior of a high loess slope reinforcedIt can be found that the potential slide surface of the slope moves to deeper locations during the processThe measure of reducing the weight of the top of the slope is a positive factor to the stability of theloess slope, while the rainfall is a negative factor.The slope can’t be stable if it’s reinforced only by stabilization piles or soil nails during the process

Keywords: high loess slope     CSNSP     PLAXIS     phi/c strength reduction method     Sweden circular slip surface    

Reliability analysis of excavated slopes in undrained clay

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 11,   Pages 1760-1775 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0018-6

Abstract: The proposed random limit analysis is a combination of the deterministic slope stability limit analysisidentified and the occurrence probability of each sort of failure mechanism is quantified for various slopeThe proposed method is found to be feasible for evaluating slope reliability.The obtained results are helpful in understanding the slope failure mechanism from a quantitative pointThe paper could provide guidance for slope targeted local reinforcement.

Keywords: slope stability     spatial variability     limit analysis     random field     clay    

Stability analysis of layered slopes in unsaturated soils

Guangyu DAI; Fei ZHANG; Yuke WANG

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 3,   Pages 378-387 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0808-2

Abstract: An example of a two-layered slope in clay and silt is selected to verify the used method by comparingTherefore, the location and thickness of the clay layer have significant influences on slope stability

Keywords: slope stability     suction stress     unsaturated soil     layered slope     limit equilibrium    

Illuminating the new method process of slope stability analysis by soil stress state

Wang Guoti,Wang Wandi

Strategic Study of CAE 2010, Volume 12, Issue 1,   Pages 52-55


According to the soil stress state and calculation method of slope stabilityAs the calculation formula of slope stability coefficient's theory analysis is rigorous, and the

Keywords: slope stability analysis method     stress state     slope stability coefficient    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Study of base friction simulation tests based on a complicated engineered bridge slope

Liu HE, Guang WU, Hua WANG

Journal Article

Evaluation of potential failure of rock slope at the left abutment of Jinsha River Bridge by model test

Zhiming ZHAO, Xihua WANG

Journal Article

Monitoring Technology to Stability of Layered Rocky High Side Slope

Chen Zhijian

Journal Article

Efficiency of scalar and vector intensity measures for seismic slope displacements


Journal Article

Bioengineering protection mechanism of city rock slope and its laboratory test

Desong JIANG, Minghua ZHAO, Chong JIANG,

Journal Article

Evaluation and prediction of slope stability using machine learning approaches

Journal Article

Optimal CNN-based semantic segmentation model of cutting slope images

Mansheng LIN; Shuai TENG; Gongfa CHEN; Jianbing LV; Zhongyu HAO

Journal Article

On the seismic stability analysis of reinforced rock slope and optimization of prestressed cables

Wenbo ZHENG, Xiaoying ZHUANG, Yongchang CAI

Journal Article

Research on New Technology for Sandy Slope Safety Protection

Niu Xiaodi,Yang Guangqing and Liu Weichao

Journal Article

Surficial stability analysis of soil slope under seepage based on a novel failure mode

Journal Article

Geotechnical forensic investigation of a slope failure on silty clay soil—A case study

Mohammad Abubakar NAVEED, Zulfiqar ALI, Abdul QADIR, Umar Naveed LATIF, Saad HAMID, Umar SARWAR

Journal Article

Stability analysis of a high loess slope reinforced by the combination system of soil nails and stabilization

Jiu-jiang WU,Qian-gong CHENG,Xin LIANG,Jian-Lei CAO

Journal Article

Reliability analysis of excavated slopes in undrained clay

Journal Article

Stability analysis of layered slopes in unsaturated soils

Guangyu DAI; Fei ZHANG; Yuke WANG

Journal Article

Illuminating the new method process of slope stability analysis by soil stress state

Wang Guoti,Wang Wandi

Journal Article